Today Luna is six weeks old. On Saturday, both Dave and I left her (with grandparents) for the first time. I’d left her with Dave and a bottle of expressed milk for a couple of hours before but she hated the bottle and it took her a day or so to remember how to latch on again properly so I made a decicion never to leave her through feedings again. That meant I can only spend a couple of hours away from her at a time, but to be honest I don’t want to even spend a couple of minutes away from her.
However we had been invited to a wedding so I decided to go for a couple of hours in the evening. Dave had been there all day so I left Luna with his parents and joined him at about 9pm. I cried for about an hour before leaving her. I knew she wasn’t in any danger and that she would sleep for most of the time, but I was still really upset about leaving her without me or Dave. The wedding was lovely but I wasnt completely relaxed and I don’t think I want to leave her again until she is much older.
This week I also started making her ‘baby box’. I decorated a plain box from Paperchase and have so far put her hospital bands in to it. Over time I will add her first curl, first tooth etc.
Today the Health Visitor came for the last time. She currently weighs 11lbs 2oz and is 58cm long which means she is going to be tall. Her 6 weeks check up appointment is tomorrow so I will find out some more details about her then.
I’ve splashed out this week and treated myself to some new clothes. I finally feel almost back to my pre pregnancy size although I have a lot of toning up to do. But breastfeeding means I can’t just throw on anything when I’m getting dressed. I have to assess each outfit for how easy it will be to feed Luna whilst wearing it. I discovered Jojo Maman Bebe have a range of nursing tops with slits it for easy access so I treated myself to two tops and a dress. H&M also offer a great range or nursing tops.
Now Luna is six weeks old I’m looking forward to taking her to baby classes to make some new baby and mummy friends.