We’re at an awkward stage where I don’t know what to say when people ask how old she is and I have to think about it for a second. Is she really three and a half months old already? And does fifteen weeks sound younger than three and a half months. I miss taking her out when she was literally less than a week old and telling people she is five days old!
This week we have followed our usual routine. Thursday was Baby Yoga and Bubble Tots Swimming, Monday was Daisy Tinies and play time with Granny Christina, Tuesday was the Cuppa Club meet up and then a breastfeeding group and today, Wednesday was the St.Arvans playgroup, so lots of activites for Luna.
On Friday, I met with my MD and manager to discuss returning to work. It’s something I am hugely keen to do, but obviously Luna is my main priority so I had been worrying about how to make it work. Over a hot chocolate and a cookie, I had a really positive chat and am feeling really excited about slowly returning to work knowing everything will be fine!
At the weekend I was poorly, suffering with a cold, but luckily Luna doesn’t seem to have shown any signs that she caught it. But trying to stay away from her made me feel really guilty and I wish I could have explained that I wanted to give her a big cuddle and okay with her all day, but I just didn’t want the contents of my nose dribbling all over her!
Developmentally, Luna has learned to growl like a little bear instead of cooing like a little bird. It must be all those bear ears hats and cardigans I have been dressing her in. Tummy time has seen Luna lifting her head up for longer although I give in to her wails of frustration and pick her up for a cuddle after a couple of minutes. Her personality is also shining through and I can tell through her eyes that she is going to be chatty, funny and mischievous. She’s also a TV addict and strains her neck to watch the TV if it is on, no matter what angle she is facing. This, however, has led me to doing more activities with her when we are in the house, including reading, singing, counting, and playing with her toys.
I’m not much of a book work (obviously apart from my Harry Potter obsession) but buying books for Luna has taken me right back to my childhood. The bookshelf now features:
- That’s not my kitten/fox/hedgehog/duck
- The Jolly Postman
- The Gruffalo
- The Gruffalo’s Child
- Five Minutes Peace (thank you auntie Juli)
- The Tiger Who Came To Tea
- Numbers/Colours
- Each Peach Pear Plum (which I could still remember every word to
- Fox’s Sock
- Rabbits Nap
- Dear Zoo
… and a few other classics. If anyone is ever stuck for present ideas, I don’t think you can ever have enough books.
On the nights that I am organised, I have been implementing the bath, book, boob, bed routine and it works a treat. I’ve also been (safely) co-sleeping and everyone is getting tons of sleep (relative to the first weeks, not to pre-baby life). I tend to favour the most natural way of doing things, the way it would have been hundreds if years ago, or the way biology/nature/evolution made it, so breastfeeding for as long as possible and sleeing with baby are both things I am really for!
Whilst in Bristol on Friday, my usually happy, content baby, almost out of nowhere, began screaming like nothing I had heard from her before. It wasn’t nappy cry and it definitely wasnt hungry cry. And with those being the only two things she wimpers for, coupled with her hand being shoved into her mouth, I took a guess that her gums must be very sore – teething was starting. Luckily, my friend Fab had given me a sachet of Ashton and Parsons (magic teething powder, no idea what it is made from). I’d heard people rave about it and whilst I’m not a big fan of medicine and creams etc, I tipped half a sachet in her mouth and hoped for the best. Within a couple of minutes, she had calmed, and a quick bit of boob in the middle of M&S got her to sleep. Magic.
(This also happened one other time during breast feeding group just as I was telling everyone how good she is, how calm and content she is, and how she never cries).
I also finally got round to getting Lulu a little seat. Most things on the market are for six months plus but the Mamas and Papas snug can be used from three months and is ‘wriggle proof’ so I can plonk her in it with her toys whilst i grab a drink. Although this morning I left the room with Lorraine on TV and came back to find Luna’s eyes glued to Jemerey Kyle!