So, my weekly life isn’t really interesting enough to update every week, but moving to monthly posting means I have a million and one things to write.

A couple of months ago, I had just settled into my new working mum routine. Wake up, drop Luna off to Dave’s mum or nursery, go to work, feed Luna at lunch time, and pick her up at the end of the day to go home.

However, things changed when my work pattern changed and I had to come back to work in Bristol. That meant driving to Cardiff to drop Luna off. Then back to Bristol, then expressing milk whilst crying my eyes out in the toilets at lunch time. Then driving back to Cardiff to pick Luna up before returning to Magor. I felt terrible. I couldn’t stand waking Luna up so early and squishing her into the car seat. I would literally be expressing milk whilst driving because I had to get up so early and didn’t have time to express before leaving. I tried in the evenings but my supply was really low then. I went from loving my job to resenting every second of it – it just didn’t feel right or fair on Luna.

Then, one of Dave’s friends was looking for someone to help with marketing his business. I volunteered thinking I could earn some money on the side and build up my digital marketing skills. I quickly realised that if I managed to get a few clients. I could earn loads more than I was in my job, by working from the comfort of my own home/bed/sofa, whilst Luna played or slept, and focus on digital marketing – the bit I actually love the most.

It didn’t take me long to hand my notice in and I haven’t looked back. Of course it has been one of the most stressful, scariest things I have ever done – Oh, did I mention we decided to move house in the middle of this all.

But now, I am SO happy in the world of self-employment and I’m hoping to grow my business into a little agency as soon as Luna is a bit bigger. The whole point of becoming self-employed was to spend more time with Luna so it didn’t make sense to scale as quick as possible. But I definitely want this to be the start of my empire.

I have also secured a grant from the Welsh Government for office space for one year. This means I can have a desk (outside of my home office) where I can go to have ‘focus’ days and get important things done a couple of days a week. I’m so excited to get going once the house move is over.


In terms of Luna’s development – she isn’t really a baby anymore. She is a massive almost-toddler. She can crawl faster than I can sprint. She can pull herself up on anything, including flat walls just by pushing her hand against it. She can babble lots of words like mama, dada, gaga, baba, rara etc. She had a full head of thick blonde curls which are just adorable. And she is very nearly walking. She is stroppy though, and has mastered the art of fake crying, but her face is so cute I just give in and give her what she wants – I really should stop that.

She can wave ‘hello’ and ‘bye-bye’ and gives lovely cuddles when we are on the sofa. She is like a proper little person now!

She’s had her last day in nursery. I loved her nursery but with it being right next door to an office I don’t work in, there wasn’t much point her going anymore. I was really sad when she left but the staff put together a development book for her with loads of pictures in so I have that to keep. She has also finished most of the other baby classes but I’m keeping my eye out for some toddler classes I can go to with her.

Picture of Mark Stivens
Mark Stivens

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