Eleven weeks
Eleven pm – just in time to write my weekly Wednesday update. At 11 weeks old, Luna is near enough three months. Even though she is really starting to develop a personality and look like a proper little person, I still think of her as my teeny newborn. Over the past seven days, I have […]
Ten weeks
Despite saying last week that I was looking forward to a quiet week, this week has been one of the most eventful yet. Luna is ten weeks old which means the next milestone is 3 months old – where has my tiny newborn gone? On Thursday, my mum came to visit and we went to […]
Nine weeks
Luna and I have had a really busy week this week. On Thursday Sorcha came to stay and Luna had her first set of jabs but it was heartbreaking seeing her little face and hearing her scream. However about 3 minutes later she was fast asleep again, as usual. I then had to feed her […]
Eight weeks
So it’s Wednesday again which means Luna is another weeks older. Eight weeks. This week Luna and I have had another visit from granny Christina, had a BBQ with nana Ellena, been for her final chiropractor appointment, updated her wardrobe with 3-6 and 6-9 months ready for autumn and winter, and chilled out in the […]
Seven weeks
Oh no – seven weeks old! As Luna approaches two months, I’m sad that she will no longer be measured in weeks, but officially into months! What happened to my teeny 5 day old newborn!? The last week has gone super quick! Luna and I have met up with a friend for lunch, had her […]
Six weeks
Today Luna is six weeks old. On Saturday, both Dave and I left her (with grandparents) for the first time. I’d left her with Dave and a bottle of expressed milk for a couple of hours before but she hated the bottle and it took her a day or so to remember how to latch […]
Five weeks
This week, Luna has been around for five weeks. I’m finding things are starting to settle into a bit of a routine and it’s much easier and quicker to get out of the house. We have been all over the place this week: Newport, Cardiff, Trowbridge, and Bristol and as Luna is quite a sleepy […]
One month old
Today is the 22nd July which is ridiculous because it means Luna is exactly one month old. I already miss the days of old ladies in the street asking how old she is and being able to answer “she’s four days old”. Even at 8lb 2oz, when she was born she was too small for […]
Three Weeks Old
Where have the last three weeks gone? Twenty-two days ago I didn’t have a baby and was still pregnant. OK, I was lying on a hospital bed in labour, but I wasnt responsible for another human being. And then suddenly at 3:05pm I had a sticky, waxy baby thrust upon me and became a mother […]